Download Nickel and Dimed On (Not) Getting By in America
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Original language: - ReviewEssayist and cultural critic Barbara Ehrenreich has always specialized in turning received wisdom on its head with intelligence, clarity, and verve. With some 12 million women being pushed into the labor market by welfare reform, she decided to do some good old-fashioned journalism and find out just how they were going to survive on the wages of the unskilled--at $6 to $7 an hour, only half of what is considered a living wage. So she did what millions of Americans do, she looked for a job and a place to live, worked that job, and tried to make ends meet. As a waitress in Florida, where her name is suddenly transposed to "girl," trailer trash becomes a demographic category to aspire to with rent at $675 per month. In Maine, where she ends up working as both a cleaning woman and a nursing home assistant, she must first fill out endless pre-employment tests with trick questions such as "Some people work better when they're a little bit high." In Minnesota, she works at Wal-Mart under the repressive surveillance of men and women whose job it is to monitor her behavior for signs of sloth, theft, drug abuse, or worse. She even gets to experience the humiliation of the urine test. So, do the poor have survival strategies unknown to the middle class And did Ehrenreich feel the "bracing psychological effects of getting out of the house, as promised by the wonks who brought us welfare reform" Nah. Even in her best-case scenario, with all the advantages of education, health, a car, and money for first month's rent, she has to work two jobs, seven days a week, and still almost winds up in a shelter. As Ehrenreich points out with her potent combination of humor and outrage, the laws of supply and demand have been reversed. Rental prices skyrocket, but wages never rise. Rather, jobs are so cheap as measured by the pay that workers are encouraged to take as many as they can. Behind those trademark Wal-Mart vests, it turns out, are the borderline homeless. With her characteristic wry wit and her unabashedly liberal bent, Ehrenreich brings the invisible poor out of hiding and, in the process, the world they inhabit--where civil liberties are often ignored and hard work fails to live up to its reputation as the ticket out of poverty. --Lesley Reed Good Books Every Woman Should Read The Huffington Post Women like books. We know this. We know it from the statistics -- according to an often cited study by the publishing research firm Bowker women bought 64 ... Nickel and Dimed Study Guide from LitCharts The creators ... Nickel and Dimed taps into a long American tradition of muckraking journalism in which writers investigate abject social conditions and corrupt corporations in ... Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America ... Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America Summary and Analysis of "Introduction: Getting Ready" Nickel and Dimed PDF - Southwest Career and Technical ... 8 NICKEL AND DIMED Introduction: Getting Ready The idea that led to this book arose in comparatively sumptuous circumstances. Lewis Lapham the editor of Harper's ... Review: Nickel and Dimed - The Simple Dollar Some of you who are reading this post right now are thinking Ive never heard of this book. Others are probably thinking Why on earth would this book be ... Students feeling nickel-and-dimed force new scrutiny of ... Students feeling nickel-and-dimed force new scrutiny of college fees A handful of schools call a halt to unexpected fees that are rising faster than tuition Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer Auto Accident Attorney ... Traffic Statistics Statistics show that living in Florida increases your chances of having an accident. It may or ma not be your fault but an accident can change the ... Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America: Barbara ... Buy Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America Chapter ... Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America Summary and Analysis of Chapter Three: "Selling in Minnesota" Nickel and Dimed - Barbara Ehrenreich - Wes Jones At the beginning of June 1998 I leave behind everything that normally soothes the ego and sustains the body - home career companion reputation ATM card ...
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